NEWS2023年5月4日,第133屆中國進出口商品交易會(簡稱“廣交會”)三期火熱進行中。浙江省建德市市委常委周密帶領建德市商務局和楊村橋鎮政府相關負責人到廣交會現場參觀調研,了解建德市企業參展情況,于上午到達我建德市朝美日化有限公司展位。 周常委詳細聽取了我司對當前外貿市場形式的分析,深入了解了現階段外貿市場需求和發展中存在的瓶頸問題,同時對我司積極開展外貿業務表示了肯定,勉勵企...
探索更多We continue our special series Men of the People, focusing on the human stories behind the Communist Party of China. Medical masks have been in high demand since COVID-19 changed the world. During the first few months of the pandemic, supplies were at risk. In East China's Zhejiang Province, one private entrepreneur helped produced millions of quality masks, boosting efforts to fight the virus...
探索更多Editor's note: This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Of the CPC's 90 million members, many have become pioneers in their respective fields and role models for the public. To mark the special occasion, CGTN is rolling out a series of stories featuring CPC members from different walks of life. This story is about a private entrepreneur who had...
探索更多武漢爆發新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情,口罩的生產和供貨成了公眾關心的話題。 作為國內市場占有率35%的呼吸防護用品研發制造龍頭企業,面對來勢洶洶的新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情激增的市場需求,建德市朝美日化有限公司迅速展開應對,立即召集員工返廠,安排過年期間僅除夕當日休息半天,其余時間全力保障生產。原本1月18日已經休假返鄉的120多名員工,收到加班通知后,放下家里的活,立即回到崗位,投入到保障口罩供應的工作中...